Thursday, June 4, 2015

#OpExposeCPS Las Vegas NV: Illuminating the Historical Context of Corruption in Operations of Justice in Family Court ~ Clark County Nevada

Dear Sisters and Brothers of #OpExposeCPS in Las Vegas NV:

I'd like to share with you a collection of articles done by the Las Vegas Tribune, reporting on the depth in on-going corruption within operations of the Eighth District Court and Justice Courts serving your community.  Be aware that all of the issues presented have touched your cases one way or another, and have been continuously operating in the background, possibly a contributing influence to any and all adverse impacts upon family that each of you may be dealing with at the current time.  In the event that you are not aware of these on-going issues, I am sharing the information I have collected recently on the topic.  The reporting highlights who the "players" in justice have been historically, the current issues they are now faced with, and persistent conflicts of interest that prevent them from serving in any capacity to evaluate and recommend resolutions to same, as they themselves are responsible for these life-destroying conditions that have come out of family court proceedings the community faces in the present day.

Other than blog sources, the Tribune is the only news media that has covered corruption historically for the Clark County community.  Unfortunately, the Review Journal, with massive state-wide presence, only reports "after-the-fact" of something, never digging deeper into readily apparent "funny business" --- and there's been a lot of it --- going on for decades within the hallowed hell-halls of justice among and between it's empowered agents. This kind of "blind journalism" has been a contributing factor to the endurance and entrenchment of corruption found to be operating widespread in public-service sectors for your community.

Three intertwining issues emerge from this series of news reports:
(1)   The destruction of evidence in domestic violence and child abuse cases.  This led to some children being placed into sole custody of an abusive parent.  Law suits loom on the horizon for your community because of this.
(2)   Errors in court records, said to be NUMEROUS
       (a) Errors in recording of information
             (b) Procedural errors (massive).
      (3)  The courts consistently violate state law in handling numerous custodial issues.

I'm hoping that this one excerpt from the 4/2/15 article cited is enough to get you to read the whole series:  Best offense you can have is to thoroughly know the beast that you are dealing with.

Via Las Vegas Tribune 4/2/15:
This was a criminal act:
In 2015, the Nevada Supreme Court will decide matters affecting cases in which the Eighth Judicial District destroyed criminal evidence and concealed the destruction. Yet, the public will never hear of the Nevada Supreme Court’s decisions.
Here’s why. Two key players in the concealment of the destruction of evidence are Court Clerk and Administrator, Steve Grierson, and former Chief Judge, Thomas Arthur “Art” Ritchie, Junior.
Blatant conflicts of interest:  How many of you have cases with issues of DNA and/or drug testing in the 8th District family Court and/or criminal court, justice court?The Nevada Supreme Court was alerted to the fact that a Henderson business is run by the Grierson and Ritchie families. The business houses a DNA and drug testing lab used in the cases handled by Clerk Grierson and Chief Judge Ritchie. Justice of the Peace, Bita Khamsi, refused to disclose on her application for justice-ship she is involved in the business.And, Nevada Secretary of State, Barbara Cegavske, authorizes the licensing of this business at the same time she is involved in the management of the business.Should the Las Vegas Tribune become privileged to any Nevada Supreme Court decisions, this readership will be alerted.

I urge you, for your own education in getting to "know the beast", to read this series of articles and note how the same "players" names come uover-and-over again, in all the multiple issues noted, that have been historically long term.  It's time to make some changes and you can assist with this through various activities, like #OpExposeCPS scheduled for tomorrow in Las Vegas, June 5th.

Stand strong Brothers and Sisters in Las Vegas for #OpExposeCPS on June 5th.  Arm yourselves with the facts in the judicial history pertaining to corruption in operations of justice and inherent in its administration that should be serving you and your community, instead of conning you out of custody of your children.

12/10/14-Las Vegas Metro Investigates Court

4/2/15 – LV-Metro Weighs In On Sheriff Lombardo 
(family court situation destruction of evidence -- investigation outcomes)

4/2/14 – Blue-Ribbon Kids Commission Final Report-Shows-Work Ahead


5/18/15:  Civil Rights Violations in Clark County Courts

5/18/15:  Fox Guards the Chicken Coop
(Guardianship issues/DVA and who knew what when)

5/30/14~Hearing Master Turns into Little Lamb Via RolandoLarraz (Editor)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

About #OpDeathEaters' Objectives and Recent Theoretical Developments in Sociology of Deception

#OpDeathEaters  ~ A global campaign to expose social influence networks that historically have insulated the paedo-sadist industry, directly resulting in institutional insulation of sexual deviance, leaving thousands of victims in its wake across the world, who have yet to receive Justice.  

This post has two objectives:  (1)  Tell you about new #Anon campaign and (2)  To make #Anonymous  aware of  recent theoretical work published in December 2014 American Sociological Association's Journal as framework for interpreting data base collected through #OpDeathEaters .  The complimentary compatibility of (a) problem under scrutiny and (b) this newly available theoretical framework for explaining it (black markets/cons/frauds) could not have been more timely, and may prove to be an invaluable analytical tool in understanding the complex nature of the data collected, in terms of the phenomena under observation .  

Regarding #OpDeathEaters :  (quote)
"The premise behind OpDeathEaters is to expose high level complicity, obstruction of justice and cover-up in the paedo-sadist industry in order to show the need for independent inquiries,” said Miss Marsh. intended to break what it says is a conspiracy of silence among sympathetic politicians, police and mainstream media to downplay the full extent of the online child sex industry.....
The database is not meant to find criminals but to show influence networks and how already known cases are distributed across those networks,” Miss Marsh added. “No one can visualize a beach by being presented with periodic, isolated grains of sand.”….
"The high prevalence of white, often middle class establishment professional men among offenders has also contributed to the failure to fully address the problem and the over-arching networks that sustain the child pornography industry, according to Mr Marsh." (end quote)


Recent Theoretical Developments in Sociology of Deception
American Sociological Journal Dec 2014 
Enduring Illusions: The Social Organization of Secrecy and Deception
David R. Gibson1
Citation:  Sociological Theory
2014, Vol. 32(4) 283–306
© American Sociological Association 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0735275114558631

"This article lays the foundations of a sociology of deception, focusing on lies and secrets successfully maintained for years or even decades." 

(pg 297)
"There are ways of discerning closely held truths apart from being told outright, by directly observing the actions, objects, or conditions about which lies are spun or secrets are kept." 

(pg 303)
To conclude, secrets and lies are central to all manner of frauds, plots, cabals, cover-ups, black markets, man-made disasters, clandestine projects, and espionage operations. With the occasional exception, we as sociologists have not made a practice of studying such things, which means we have turned away from society’s dark regions in order to search for whatever may be conveniently discovered under the light. That has left us ill-equipped to assist in the discovery of secrets that need to be exposed, and—though this is more controversial— in the protection of those that need to be safeguarded. This article has been an attempt to remedy that deficit and thus to make sociology more pertinent to the urgent concerns of the world.
Downloaded from at ASA - American Sociological Association on January 7, 2015