Thursday, June 6, 2013

A CASE OF CORRUPTED CUSTODY COMBO ~ CLARK COUNTY NEVADA: Lawyer from Hell - Devil for a Judge - & - A Justice System in Purgatory

All corruption emerges in a specific form ~ The Sacred vs Profane

     Corruption, by virtue of its inherent nature, will always encompass the form Sacred vs Profane.  Corruption, in its totality, are those activities that stand in contradiction to "official public definition of purpose and public expectations" that arise from the definition.  It's the face of the con and the voice of fraud laughing at We The People.

     In my own history and back story of a corrupted custody issue originating in Clark County Nevada 8th District Family Court, the specific form Sacred vs Profane emerged in June 2002 --- remaining to this day, now 11-years having past.  The attorney I retained for my custody issue in Las Vegas back in September of 1997, James E. Smith (Nevada State Bar #0052), had maintained a "friendship" with me via e-mail, after having to flee Vegas with my daughter for Fallon, close to 700 miles to the north, in March of 2002.   

     One of the ways he would engage me was by sending me "scripts" he said he was "sending to his Hollywood agent" (because, oh yes, not only was he an attorney, he was also a writer, who supposedly had a "hollywood agent"), requesting my review and feedback.  I still have that first "script" he ever sent me --- "The Minister".  It's plot line revolved around a "Minister" who lived in up-scale Incline Village NV, in the middle of a nasty divorce and contentious custody case with his wife.  The back-story for the "Minister" himself, was a Heckle/Jyde-schizoid life, split between the pulpit, child pornography production and distribution.  The wife's back-story encompassed protecting her child from the kiddie porn producer/minister, soon to be ex-husband.  I remember e-mailing Jay (and of course --- yes, he will always introduce himself with --- 'Just call me Jay, that's what all my friends call me') and asking him after other pieces he sent me traveled along the same thematic lines:  "Why do all your scripts focus on the seedy side of life?".  He responded:  "I find it fascinating."  The specific form Sacred vs Profane anchors here, in 2002 Fallon. Nevada and its accompanying structural organization can be seen to definitively play out over the next eleven years, expressed in events that came to pass.  

     Little did I know at that point in time (June-September 2002) that he had recently published an e-book:  Through The Eyes of The Accused <>.  You should note, this link brings you to information that indicates release date as "07/06/2006" for this publication.  Prior to this, similar-source references on the web indicated a release date 2001-2002, and the description of the work was worded a tad different than in this citation from the link provided above.  As described by the Amazon link: "This book is about a man who was falsely accused of a sex crime. This book is based on a true story....The book is based on true events that happened to the author."  

     Well, this explains what "really happened" to Attorney James E. Smith, when an associated attorney had to be pulled in for my legal representation in May 1999, while simultaneously being in the height of a custody crisis.  What I did not know at this point (May 1999), was that within weeks, the attorney I retained for a custody issue that had severe domestic violence and abuse issues at its core, would be marrying a relative to the opposing party, whom he had been intimately involved with throughout the history of my representation.  All of it explains events that unfolded in Las Vegas that ultimately put both me and my daughter in a position of losing everything and having to flee to Fallon Nevada in March 2002.  

     Flash forward to 2012 --- How did the nonprofit Sattva Metaphysical Center (Hindu-religious) end up running out of the same address (home of James E. Smith ---> ~&~ another citation for location advertisement as a for-profit internet porn site (see  Once again, the Sacred vs Profane in its purest form, juxtaposed and now exposed.   A better question to get an answer to is, how did the on-line digital record at Secretary of State Nevada website ( pertaining to nonprofit Sattva Metaphysical Center (whose license was in revoked status February 2012), get changed after being outed on 02/15/12 in commentary as running out of the same address as a for-profit porn site?  Sometime between 02/15/12 (original outing with documented links to Secretary of State Nevada) and 12/17/12, the on-line record at the above link's information had been changed, in specific regards to the operating address of the organization and officer Anthony Roger Parent, President and Director respectively.  How did these changes happen to the digital record on a nonprofit entity, whose license had been in a REVOKED STATUS at time of outing in February 2012, showing completely different address information by 12/17/12?  Of course, such editing to the "official state on-line records" took care of the problem that was outed --- A registered nonprofit entity (religious) with the Secretary of State Nevada, blatantly operating out of the same address as a registered for-profit (pornographic) business.  

     What I came to learn over the period 2005 through the present was that "editing of official state records" (as illustrated above in the Sattva Metaphysical nonprofit fraud) including adjudicated records within Nevada justice historically, is a common occurrence, particularly in corrupted custody processes that work their way through Family Court.   Specific agents involved with my own custody situation worked in a broader institutional system of justice that has an alarming history marked by massive legal fraud and corruption.  Current arenas of activity include HOA federal investigation with indictments; Family Court Judge Steve Jones 20-count federal indictment for financial fraud dating back over a decade; court-certificate fraud scheme of Attorney Bloomfield/state-empowered agent-juvenile probation officer Chiodini/Brox-owner of court-contracted counseling agency, et al, come to mind right off the top of my head.  Documented histories of reasons various family court judges have been removed from the bench over the past decade also plays in the background (the debenchment of Nichols DelVecchio comes readily to mind), all of it making for an amenable environment for corruption through the use of legal fraud.  Attorneys like James E. Smith and his accompanying paralegal component  Silvianne T. Steinbach (AKA:  Maryse Wagner, who illegally changed her name in 2006 to what it is today, and who also came back to court in 2008 having Smith file a 2nd name change, which was refused by the court) have been able to be successful at what they do (execute corrupted custody processes via the use of Abuse-By-Proxy to drive legal strategy) for precisely this reason.  

If I had known what I know now back in 1999:  I guess I wouldn't be writing this now. 

Today in 2013, I completely understand the situation Victoria Giampa has faced throughout her ordeal, now on appeal, in the hands of the 9th Circuit Court.  <05/29/13 & 06/05/13>.

Corruption will always assume the form of Sacred vs Profane.  It's the face of the con and the voice of fraud laughing at We The People.

Stay tuned for more installments:  
The Truth Lives Chronicles ~
Part I:  A Case of Corrupted Custody Combo ~ Clark County Nevada ~ 
Lawyer from Hell ~Devil for a Judge ~&~ A Justice System in Purgatory

1 comment:

  1. NOTE~5/28/15~UPDATE ON LINKS TO OPERATING ADDRESS OF SATTVA METAPHYSICAL CENTER: They screwed with the web pages in the original links above. Silvianne Steinbach is a web designer, etc by ancillary trade and his "internet sweeper". Here is an up dated link showing the operating address of Sattva Metaphysical Center (nonprofit as the same address as the administrative operator of a for profit porn website, that link is still intact)
